Full Of Beans Soup
Soups1 lb 8 oz ripe tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil leaves
3 crushed garlic cloves
14 oz canned mixed beans, drained and carefully rinsed
4 oz canned red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
12 fl oz vegetable stock
Salt and pepper
More fresh basil leaves for garnish
Put halved tomatoes in roasting tin, cut side up, sprinkle with basil and garlic, season
well with salt and pepper, place under hot broiler 10 mins until softened. When slightly
cooled, puree them in a blender. Add mixed and red kidney beans and puree with
tomatoes, not totally smooth, the soup should have a chunky texture. Transfer to
saucepan, add stock, bring to boil, season and serve sprinkled with shredded basil leaves.