Stress is often the reason that we overeat or turn to food for comfort. When you’re feeling stressed, the idea of sitting cross-legged, doing nothing might seem silly or pointless. But what if meditation could help you resist temptation and make healthier choices?
Summer is all about light eating, right? Well some of those summer treats you think are healthy could be hiding a big caloric surprise. Here are a few summer treats that deserve a double take.
Perhaps you’ve heard the old joke that calories don’t count when no one sees you eat them. While we may sagely agree that this is nonsense, we do sometimes live as if it is true. We grab free food samples while shopping, eat some of the kids’ leftovers, or sneak a snack in the office break room. And those don’t really count, right?
Most people start an exercise program with the hopes of losing weight. But if you are working out, and there’s no movement on the scale, you could be making one of these mistakes.
“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Perhaps you’ve looked at someone who seems to be succeeding and thought, “Oh he or she is just lucky,” meaning things come easier to some people.
Tell your friends you’re going on a cookie diet during the holidays, and they’ll say, “Join the club.” But with the right cookie diet, you can actually lose weight during the holidays. While cookies aren’t something you’d necessarily classify as diet food, the tasty and nutritious Hollywood Cookie Diet® meal replacements can help you keep those holiday pounds from packing on. And there’s scientific evidence to back up those claims!
Enjoy Holiday Favorites the Heathy Way
1. Cocoa
Raw cocoa has a lot of health benefits. It has a high concentration of antioxidants, which can do everything from help prevent cancer and heart disease, to fight aging in general. The polyphenols and flavanols in cocoa have potential health benefits for the skin, the brain, and cardiovascular system.
Americans consume an average of 32 teaspoons of added sugar each day. According to the USDA, sugar is the number one food additive. Sure it’s in jam, ice cream, and cereal. But it’s also in pizza, bread, processed meats, boxed meals, soup, crackers, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, yogurt, ketchup, salad dressing,