What’s Your Motivational Style?
How Identifying Your Motivational Style Is the Key to Health and Fitness Success
Have you ever wondered why you have such a hard time sticking with a new health and fitness routine? Do you read expert advice about healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle changes but feel like it doesn’t help you to change? Do you try all the new trends your friends do but seem to have mediocre results?
It may not be your body that is making change difficult but rather your mind. Understanding your motivational style could be the key to your future success!
Motivation is essential for success in any aspect of life. It’s the inspiration that keeps us going every day. It’s the driving factor behind passion. It’s the one thing that every expert agrees is necessary to achieve those long-term fitness goals.
If you’re just stumbling through—trying this diet and that exercise, only sticking with it for a short time—how can you meet the concrete goals you’ve set for yourself? Chances are you don’t really know your own motivational style.
Tools to Identify Your Personal Motivational Style
Many of us like to attribute our success (and especially our failures) to outside interference. Work is too stressful. There is not enough time. Family commitments take priority. We need to stop and realize that we are in control of our lives. There are outside influences beyond our control, but we can control how we react to them.
By examining how you attribute your successes and failures, you can begin to understand whether you derive your motivation from internal or external factors. This is the baseline for identifying your motivational style.
You must be willing and able to look at what you’ve done (your successes and your failures) and really get into the details. What were your goals? What tactics worked? Which didn’t? How did you feel each step of the way?
You can’t just read the descriptions of the motivational styles mentioned below and say, “that sounds like me!” Only by honestly examining what objectively happened, your role in it, and how it affected you (both physically and emotionally) can you begin to slot yourself into one of the four major personal motivational styles.
Emotional Intelligence
Understanding how your emotions influence your motivations is essential. Do you get angry in the face of a failure and double down on your commitment? Do you achieve something wonderful but get frightened by the thought of “tooting your own horn” so you withdraw? You can start to see how any type of emotional reaction (good or bad) can influence your personal motivational style.
Use your emotional intelligence to decide if whatever temporary discomfort you feel is worth the emotional joy you’ll experience at the end of the process.
So what traits are you looking for in this deep dive into your psyche?
The Four Motivational Styles
The version of us that exists in our own heads is a product of our genetic makeup, our personal experiences, and how our minds have processed various stimuli, memories, and situations from the day we were born. That is why the things we hold dear, and our priorities are very individualistic and particular to each of us. That’s why the things that motivate your friends or your partner may not excite you at all and vice versa.
There are four major motivational styles that we all find ourselves adopting to a greater or lesser degree. We’ll look at each style below and show how they can contribute to health and fitness success.
Extrinsic Motivation
People who are extrinsically motivated look to outside input to stay on track. These are the people who need praise, recognition, or pressure from others (real or implied) to kickstart any change in their lives and maintain progress through to the end goal.
A person who is extrinsically motivated often accomplishes their weight loss goals when they use other people to hold them accountable. You may be best served by joining a class at the gym, partnering with a friend for those morning runs, or seeking help from a professional coach to keep you on track. For these people, visible results are often the most exciting.
If you want to see results quickly, The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® can help you lose up to 10 pounds in just 48 hours.
Intrinsic Motivation
People who are intrinsically motivated don’t really care about what others think. Instead, their own happiness, pride, or guilt functions as the proverbial carrot (or the stick).
Intrinsically motivated people often stick to weight loss and fitness routines when they engage in activities that bring them joy or make them feel good. For these folks, the end goal is a great achievement but often, if the day-to-day routine doesn’t hold their interest or is boring, they won’t stick with it. That’s why, if you’re such an intrinsically motivated person, it’s critical to find an activity that you enjoy.
The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® was crafted for ease of use. Not only does this juice drink taste great, but it also delivers results like improved energy levels and healthier gut function in just a few short hours.
Introjected Motivation
This type of motivation occurs when you put pressure on yourself to reach an end goal versus letting passion or feeling good motivate you. Individuals wired for introjected motivation often struggle tremendously with health and fitness goals because losing weight is hard. Hitting that end goal takes time.
There will be backsliding—it’s inevitable. But success is always possible.
People with this type of motivational style can benefit greatly from breaking their lifestyle change into milestones. That way they can progress toward an attainable goal and enjoy success sooner rather than later.
Reach weight loss milestones quickly with The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet®. It’s scientifically proven to help you lose up to 10 pounds in just 2 days. This quick success can help ramp up your motivation and stick to your weight loss program.
Identified Motivation
People with this motivational profile have identified an end goal and understand it’s a priority but they’re not often ready to jump right in. Instead, they require a learning or planning period prior to the actual change they’re envisioning.
Identified motivators often fail when they spend too much time planning, learning, or thinking about a process before beginning. However, the inverse is also true: they often enjoy high levels of success because they’ve created detailed plans and take step-by-step actions.
Identified motivators love tools that help them stay on track. Tools like The Hollywood Cookie Diet®, great tasting, meal-replacement cookies, loaded with essential nutrients and fiber, can help planners minimize their daily caloric intake and avoid hunger that often derails even the most motivated of us.
For those loving all the scientifically-verified claims from intermittent fasting but need a little help getting started, The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® is a fasting tool that eliminates unwanted calories on those fasting days.