Top 5 Ways Exercise Boosts Self-Confidence
Regular exercise affects every aspect of your bodily functions, from cardiovascular health to the level of neurochemical transmitters in your bloodstream. And because it affects you on a physical, emotional, and mental level, exercise can be the tool you need to rebuild your life, not just your body.
Experience a boost in self confidence that lets you break out of your social shell and connect with others.
Find that mental clarity you need to accomplish goals and improve your personal or professional life.
Feel the rush which can chase away the blues and let you live happier.
Exercise can do so much more than help you shed unwanted pounds!
1. Appearance
Simply put, if you exercise you will look better. As you build lean muscle and burn excess calories, you will shed unwanted pounds and (slowly) sculpt your body into a more ideal representation of what you want it to be. As you begin to notice those positive changes it will affect you mentally as well. You’ll see the value of the work you’re doing first hand and take a greater sense of pride about the changes you’ve made. It’s a one-two punch: you look better and feel better all at once.
TIP: For the fastest results try strength training. It firms and builds muscle which helps to shape your body more quickly and burn more calories even at rest.
2. Mindset
The first step is often the hardest. That’s never so true as when you’re setting out to reshape your entire life through exercise. But exercise can actually help you through that process. Rigorous exercise increases endorphins (natural pain killers)to help you work out longer. It also boosts “feel good” hormones (serotonin and dopamine) that combat depression and mood swings. This improved neurochemical balance will help you cope with stress—making you less likely to succumb to stress eating.
And a little goes a long way. One Scandinavian study suggests that just 15 minutes of moderate exercise can make these beneficial changes.
3. Control
Emotional eating is a killer. The stress of daily life simply gets to many of us and food is our crutch. But that good feeling food gives us is false, created by learned emotional responses and chemical triggers within the brain.
Exercise can help you take back your life. By carving out time for a workout you’re exerting control over your schedule in a real, tangible way. It’s a commitment; and if you stick to it you’re demonstrating to yourself and others that you mean business this time. Once you learn to control your daily routine you’ll find it a lot easier to control other aspects of your life as well.
4. Concentration
Mental fog affects many of us and can decrease performance across every aspect of our lives, from our social interactions to our professional performance. Exercise can help you burn through that fog. Several recent studies have linked physical activity with improved mental functioning, increased attention spans, and even resistance to diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Exercise gets your blood pumping, shuttling more oxygen to your brain. The physical act of exercising isolates you from distractions so you can think clearly without interruption—kind of like active meditation.
5. Physical Well-Being
It’s been said before but it bears repeating: exercise is the key to good long-term health. Exercise decreases your risk of several chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so many more. And the thing is, living well is a slippery slope. Once you start down the path to wellness, it gets easier as you go. Your body and your mind build the skillset (and the tolerances) to exercise more, combat food cravings, and help you put your health first and foremost.
Get Hooked on Something Healthy
There’s a reason that athletic people say exercise is like a drug: it’s addictive. Once you experience the total body benefits of regular exercise it’s hard to go back to a sedentary lifestyle. 15 or 20 minutes a day is a wonderful place to start. Experiment with different activities, indoor and outdoor sports and recreation, and join groups to help keep you motivated. Before long you’ll start seeing the positive physical and mental health benefits of exercise and you’ll be hooked too.