what exercise to use with the 48 Hour Miracle Diet

HILIT + 48 Hour Miracle Diet®

If you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have adopted High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts at home because of their ability to deliver weight loss results quickly, you’ve probably noticed a few other changes too: achy joints, stiffness, pain or strained muscles. While HIIT workouts are great for burning calories and helping you shed pounds quickly, new research suggests that the side effects of such workouts can be detrimental in the long run.

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How to Have Fun While Burning Calories

Burn Calories While Having Fun!

Does the thought of hitting the gym bore you to tears? How many times can you listen to the same playlist and flip through the same old magazines while you pound the treadmill for miles? If you’re like 90% of the people who have resolved to live a better life and exercise more, you’ve failed in the past. Why is that? If your active routine isn’t fun and/or exciting, chances are you won’t stick with it.

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slow exercise versus high intensity

The Slow Exercise Movement

Why Slowing Down Could Be the Key to Lasting Health and Weight Loss

You may have noticed that fitness trends seem to be pushing us toward more intense and extreme exercises. The popularity of CrossFit and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) have made working out fast-paced, difficult, and perhaps even detrimental to our health. While physical movement is important, you could benefit from a slower, gentler approach.

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7 ways to be more active

Embrace an Active Life and Watch the Weight Melt Away!

Stepping into a more active lifestyle is your golden ticket to shedding those extra pounds. While tweaking your diet is essential, the simple science of exercise—burning more calories than you consume—promises real results. The usual culprits that keep us from lacing up our sneakers are the ever-present time crunch and a lack of drive. Yet, imagine transforming these hurdles into stepping stones by weaving fun, engaging activities into the fabric of your everyday life. The best part? You can do this without ever setting foot in a gym!

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Lose Weight on the Run

How to Lose Weight on the Run

Everybody is looking for an easy way to lose weight on the run. We have to. Our lives have become much more active than ever before. Work, kids, hobbies, and the dreaded commute take up most of our day, adding stress and limiting the amount of time we can spend on ourselves—both of which are bad for our waistlines.

Here are 4 tips that can help you lose weight on the run no matter how busy your life is.

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How Exercise Helps Healthy Eating

Unleash Your Best Self: How Exercise Fuels Your Healthy Eating Journey

Embarking on a weight loss journey isn’t just about shedding pounds—it’s about reinventing your lifestyle and unlocking a happier, healthier you. One of the toughest battles in this journey is overcoming unhealthy cravings that can derail your progress. What if you could transform those cravings to work in your favor, making you yearn for healthier foods? It’s entirely possible, and exercise is your secret weapon.

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Exercising Outside is 1.5 x better than a day at the gym

Why Exercising Outside is Better

Exercising Outside is 1.5 Times Better than a Day at the Gym

Believe it or not exercise is still the best way to lose weight, build a healthier body, and live longer. Exercise can build muscle, decrease stress, and helps prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. It may also prolong the onset of Alzheimer’s.

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feel better with diet and exercise

Feel Better!

We don’t have to tell you weight loss isn’t easy. But there is a way to supercharge your results and put yourself on a faster track. By combining a healthy diet with the right types of exercise you can see results sooner and feel so much better than you do now.

The better you feel (and look), the more likely you are to stick with your new lifestyle change and put the worry of yo-yo dieting behind you.

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Is Exercise Making You Fat?

Most people start an exercise program with the hopes of losing weight. But if you are working out, and there’s no movement on the scale, you could be making one of these mistakes.

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