Does Intermittent Fasting Really Improve Brain Health?
Good for the Body, Good for the Brain: How Intermittent Fasting Could Boost Your Mental Health
This age-old tradition of withholding food for an extended period has rapidly gained popularity in recent years as a weight loss tool because it works. In fact, one recent review of studies published in Nature Reviews: Endocrinology determined that intermittent fasting led to individuals losing between 3 and 8 percent of their total body weight over a relatively short period of just 8 to 12 weeks.
Excitingly, this proven weight loss method may have many benefits for your brain health as well—something scientists are just now beginning to discover. The key to the gut-brain link lies in the mechanism behind the weight loss, called metabolic switching. By limiting caloric intake, the body can process stored energy sources (like glucose in the liver and fatty acids, and ketone in the body) instead of relying solely on the nutrients consumed.
This process essentially mimics how our ancestors lived for thousands of years before modern food production processes made meals accessible on a regular basis.
Ketones not only fuel our brains but have been consistently linked to improved mental abilities including:
- Enhanced thinking
- Improved memory
- Skill learning
By using ketones for fuel, your body naturally improves the neuroplasticity of your brain. That means not only being able to think quicker and learn new things, but your brain may be better able to heal itself and rebuild damaged neural pathways.
The biggest impacts noted in scientific studies between intermittent fasting and brain health are improved memory, executive function (the cognitive processes that allow us to plan, monitor, and achieve goals), and overall cognition. However, there are even more tantalizing hints from recent research that intermittent fasting could potentially play a role in combatting serious brain diseases and even neurological injuries.
Indeed, this additional research points to potential pathways for decelerated disease progression and quality of life improvements for individuals struggling with:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- Ischemic stroke
- Autism
- Mood and anxiety disorders
What Types of Intermittent Fasting are Most Effective?
There are three main types of intermittent fasting that individuals should know about:
- 5:2 Fasting
- Time-Restricted Eating
- Alternate Day Fasting
In 5:2 fasting, individuals eat whatever they want for five days out of the week but choose two days in which to dramatically reduce their caloric intake to between 500 and 700 calories per day.
Time-restricted eating limits an individual to consuming all of their calories for the day within a 6- to 8-hour period which naturally creates a 16- to 18-hour fasting period during the 24-hour cycle.
Alternate day fasting (as it sounds) allows individuals to eat normally every other day while following calorie-restrictive diets on alternate days, limiting their intake to 500-700 calories per day.
How The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® Can Help
The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® is the original fasting juice diet. It was designed to automatically limit your caloric intake over the course of a 48-hour period. As such, it’s a natural fit for anyone undertaking 5:2 or alternate day fasting. It makes the whole process so easy that beginners often use The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® to jump-start weight loss programs and overcome the temptations of unwanted snacking and overeating.
The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® is loaded with essential vitamins and other micronutrients so that your body gets the fuel it needs during those fasting times without the unnecessary calories. The product is so easy to use that you can quickly and easily help your body flip that metabolic switch with almost no prep—all you need is water!
Take The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® challenge today!