Exercise Improves Mental Health

Exercise Improves Your Mental Health!

Can Keeping Physically Active Really Change How Your Brain Works?

If you’ve ever been unhappy with your weight or the shape of your body, you’ve no doubt tried exercise. Whether it’s hitting the treadmill three times a week, doing yoga, or simply walking around the neighborhood in the evenings, exercise has amazing benefits we can all enjoy. You also know that maintaining an exercise routine can be a herculean task. Repeating the same exercises over and over can feel boring. Your enthusiasm wanes. Before you know it, you’re more excited about getting home and putting your feet up than you are about strapping on your walking shoes.

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Fasting and Brain Health

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Improve Brain Health?

Good for the Body, Good for the Brain: How Intermittent Fasting Could Boost Your Mental Health

This age-old tradition of withholding food for an extended period has rapidly gained popularity in recent years as a weight loss tool because it works. In fact, one recent review of studies published in Nature Reviews: Endocrinology determined that intermittent fasting led to individuals losing between 3 and 8 percent of their total body weight over a relatively short period of just 8 to 12 weeks.

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Health is Wealth. Get Rich Now!

Take control of your wellness journey.
The healthier each of us is, the healthier we all are.

It is amazing to see so many people motivated to make changes in their lives and to focus on themselves in ways they have not before. This year we’re thinking about new goals to work towards and new habits to implement that will help us be our best selves. And we’re starting with what lies at the core – our mental health.

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what exercise to use with the 48 Hour Miracle Diet

HILIT + 48 Hour Miracle Diet®

If you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have adopted High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts at home because of their ability to deliver weight loss results quickly, you’ve probably noticed a few other changes too: achy joints, stiffness, pain or strained muscles. While HIIT workouts are great for burning calories and helping you shed pounds quickly, new research suggests that the side effects of such workouts can be detrimental in the long run.

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hygge and your diet

Embrace Your Hygge

Hygge (pronounced “hue-guh”), is an all-encompassing lifestyle developed in Scandinavia that has become extremely popular in the last few years. The lifestyle (as you’d expect from a Scandinavian product) is all about simplicity, comfort, and contentment. From the frosty countries that embrace a world-famous minimalistic style in everything from architecture to diet, Hygge helps individuals take pleasure and contentment from the run-of-the-mill “small things” we all experience every day.

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what is an anti inflammatory diet

What Is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

You hear the word “inflammation” and you might think of a sprained ankle or swollen feet after a hard day’s work, but inflammation is much more common (and more harmful) than that. Any of the soft tissues in your body can become inflamed and you may not even know it. This type of inflammation has been linked to depression, weight gain, skin conditions, the speed with which Alzheimer’s progresses, and even heart disease. Scientists are even studying the effects of inflammation related to COVID-19 infections. 

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how to stay sane working from home

Tips to Stay Sane Juggling the “New Normal”

How to Improve Your Work from Home Experience

This “New Normal” we’re all living in is something to behold:  the spouse singing bad karaoke in the background of your Zoom meetings, the baby dribbling food down the front of your good “work” pajamas, going to sleep late (waking up even later), and trying to decide whether or not to cut your own hair.

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Can Carb Cycling help you lose weight

Can Carb Cycling Help You Lose Weight?

Is carb cycling just another dieting fad or is there real science to back up the claim that carb cycling can help you burn fat?

What is Carb Cycling?

For years, dieters have been hammered by the notion that carbohydrates are “bad” if you’re trying to lose weight. That, it turns out, is not entirely true. No nutritional group is essentially “bad (or essentially “good”).

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how to stick to your diet

The 3 Most Important Secrets to Sticking to Your Diet

Dieting isn’t easy. In fact, the very concept of “dieting” is inherently flawed, implying it’s something short-term. Classifying a diet as temporary actually makes it harder to maintain healthy actions long enough to see results.

Instead, dieting should be a constant flow towards healthier eating habits. That mental shift turns something you’re forcing yourself to do into something that you do automatically. The change is subtle but the psychological impact is stunning.

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5 exercises to maintain muscle mass

5 Exercises to Maintain Muscle Mass

After age 30 we begin to lose muscle mass, as much as 3% to 5% per decade, according to Harvard Health Publishing. But there are simple exercises to help you maintain muscle mass and lose weight that don’t require a gym membership. Increasing your movement is the best (and easiest) way to reach those goals. Movement—no matter how small—counts as exercise and we can often squeeze it in more often than a trip to the gym.

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holiday weight loss plan

Lose 15 Pounds in 4 Weeks: Your Ultimate Holiday Weight Loss Plan

The holidays always seem to be right around the corner. Often that means we are either trying to slim down for the annual gatherings with family and friends or shed excess pounds we’ve put on through indulging in once-a-year treats. But, with a little willpower, a few good recipes, and a plan you can jump-start and maintain weight loss before, during, and especially after the holiday season.

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How to Lose Belly Fat

5 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat is a frustrating foe. Not only is it the number one target of most individuals who want to lose excess weight, it’s also been linked to serious health concerns, like heart disease. But belly fat is stubborn. You can’t really eliminate it with exercise alone (though some exercises are more helpful than others).

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How to stop overeating

Win the Battle Against Overeating

Why Do People Overeat?

Overeating is different from stress eating. Often overeating is carried through to adulthood from habits we learned as children. Those old mantras of “clean your plate” and the tales about the “starving children around the world” we all heard really do have a mental impact on us. We feel that we have to eat everything in front of us or must eat until we’re uncomfortably full.

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Your Personal Growth Report Card: Turn your D’s into A’s!

Personal Growth Report Card

Whether you set out to improve your health, try a new exercise plan or advance your career, each step along the way is an accomplishment (consider that an A on your personal growth report card). Reaching your goal is an ongoing journey, one with both triumphs and challenges. By understanding these three commonly encountered pitfalls, you will be more prepared and likely to succeed.

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How to Have Fun While Burning Calories

Burn Calories While Having Fun!

Does the thought of hitting the gym bore you to tears? How many times can you listen to the same playlist and flip through the same old magazines while you pound the treadmill for miles? If you’re like 90% of the people who have resolved to live a better life and exercise more, you’ve failed in the past. Why is that? If your active routine isn’t fun and/or exciting, chances are you won’t stick with it.

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beauty and health benefits of internal cleanse

Health & Beauty Benefits of Internal Cleansing

Your body is bombarded with toxins every minute of every day. These harmful chemical compounds are in the air we breathe, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, and the water we drink. When toxins build up over time they can dramatically slow or alter the natural processes inside your body—so much so that you can’t function as you were designed to.

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Walking Burns Fat

Add a Few More Steps to Your Day and Burn That Unwanted Fat Away

How often have you heard that dieting alone isn’t enough for weight loss? The best way to lose weight is by combining a calorie-restrictive diet with moderate amounts of exercise. It makes sense—if you eat less and burn more calories, you will lose weight.

But the term “exercise” scares a lot of people away, and that fear eats at their willpower. Thankfully, a current study shows that you don’t have to hit the gym five days a week for extra health benefits. In fact, something as simple as walking a little more every day (say three hours per week, which is less than 30 minutes per day) can have a dramatic effect on your health!

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how women can maintain long term weight loss

“Reclaim” Yourself & Keep the Weight OFF!

Why do most weight loss plans end in failure? Because people fail to shift mental gears and make meaningful changes in the way they see themselves. Adhering to a diet or exercise routine isn’t enough. Sure, this may result in temporary weight loss, but without that fundamental mental shift most people backslide into old habits and poor choices.

When it comes to successful, long-term weight loss you must practice “mind over matter.”

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The Detox Diet

Naturopathic doctors and holistic nutritionists have understood the benefits of detox diets for years. They’ve been using these cleansing “rituals” to clear patients’ bodies of excess weight and accumulated toxins for centuries. Similar to fasting diets, these detox diets limit what an individual can eat or drink for a period of a day or more, allowing the body to process out (or purge):

  • Excess waste
  • Harmful toxins
  • Excess water
  • Unneeded calories

And more!

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Miarcle Diet Tips

6 Tips to Help You Succeed With the Hollywood Miracle Diets®

While the 48-Hour Miracle Diet® has helped thousands of individuals lose weight, feel better, and live healthier lives, any lifestyle change can be difficult. It’s a major psychological shift that takes effort to maintain. By preparing yourself for the challenge and being ready and able to overcome the obstacles that will inevitably pop up, you will be able to make the most of the Hollywood Diet® and be better for it.

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How to Use the Hollywood Miracle Diets® with Fast Diets?

When you use a fasting diet such as that recommended by The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet®, you’re consuming fewer calories over a prolonged period. This will automatically result in weight loss, but the effect on your body chemistry will help jump start fat burning! By giving your pancreas a rest, you’ll boost the effectiveness of existing insulin which means you’ll produce less, it will work better, and you won’t have excess levels of it floating around in your bloodstream.

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best way to lose weight fast

What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast?

What do weight loss winners know that you don’t? We’ll give you the exact formula for losing weight fast. Use these tips and watch the weight come off in as little as 48 hours.

Create Calorie Control

When it comes to being able to shed excess body weight quickly, you must be able to control your calorie intake. Your calorie balance, that is how many calories you take in versus how many calories you burn off over the course of the day, is the primary determinant of whether or not you lose weight.

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