What Is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

You hear the word “inflammation”, and you might think of a sprained ankle or swollen feet after a hard day’s work, but inflammation is much more common (and more harmful) than that. Any of the soft tissues in your body can become inflamed and you may not even know it. This type of inflammation has been linked to depression, weight gain, skin conditions, the speed with which Alzheimer’s progresses, and even heart disease. Scientists are even studying the effects of inflammation related to COVID-19 infections. Helping to control this chronic condition through an anti-inflammatory diet is one of the easiest and most comprehensive ways to avoid some of these issues and help you lead a healthier life.

Health expert Dr. T. Colin Campbell has promoted healthy, plant-based diets for years as a way to combat inflammation. Now, in the fight against COVID-19, Dr. Campbell has declared that for COVID-19 patients “switching to a whole food plant-based diet” could “lessen the severity of disease symptoms while simultaneously increasing COVID-19 antibodies” in what he calls a “win-win effect.”

Understanding Chronic Inflammation

While most of us would consider inflammation a bad thing, “. . . our bodies use inflammation as a signal for healing,” says Dr. Mari Ricker, MD, professor of family and community medicine at the University of Arizona. This type of inflammation is an automatic and natural response to foreign objects, bacteria, and viruses inside our bodies. That’s why nicks and cuts turn red and swell—your body is attempting to fight off those harmful bacteria by flooding the site with antibodies, white blood cells, and other immune system compounds.

This is not the same as chronic inflammation—the type of inflammation that has been linked to the dangerous health conditions mentioned above.

Where does this chronic inflammation come from?

  • Excess fat cells generate inflammatory substances that can affect the surrounding soft tissues in your body
  • Physical and mental stress can cause your body to create these inflammatory substances
  • Lack of sleep has been linked to unhealthy levels of chronic inflammation
  • Inflammatory foods in your diet can contribute significantly to this condition

While you can take measures to reduce the stress in your life and regulate your sleep cycle, it’s often easier for people to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet to combat their chronic condition.

How Well Does an Anti-Inflammatory Diet Work?

Altering your eating habits is enough to make real, lasting changes to your health. A 16-year study published in a 2018 edition of the Journal of Internal Medicine found that people who ate an anti-inflammatory diet had a 20 percent lower risk of dying of heart disease than those who continued to eat whatever they wanted. In addition, those on the anti-inflammatory diet were at a 13 percent lower risk of contracting cancer.

Combined with other health benefits, those on an anti-inflammatory diet enjoyed an overall risk of dying, by any cause, that was 18 percent lower than those in the study’s control group.

What Foods Make Up an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

It’s easy to spot foods with anti-inflammatory properties. These foods often tend to be more colorful foods, more fragrant, and closer to their naturally harvested state. Some examples include nutrient-dense fruits and veggies, whole grains, oily fish (like salmon), and potent spices like turmeric, ginger, and cayenne.

what foods make up anti inflammatory diet

10 of the Most Potent Anti-Inflammatory Foods

  1. Olive Oil (Preferably Extra Virgin) – Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats which reduce inflammation and decrease joint cartilage damage.
  2. Blueberries – Packed with quercetin, an extremely potent antioxidant that fights inflammation at the cellular level.
  3. Green Tea – Contains high levels of EGCG, a polyphenol antioxidant compound that provides powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.
  4. Leafy Greens – The darker the better. Spinach, collard greens, and kale contain flavonoids that combat chronic inflammation.
  5. Tomatoes – Loaded with lycopene, one of the most potent naturally available antioxidants clinically proven to reduce inflammation of brain tissue.
  6. Nuts – Walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts contain high levels of essential Omega-3 fatty acids and phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Fatty Fish – Salmon, sardines, and mackerel are naturally packed with Omega-3 fatty acids. (Plant-based? Not to worry, quality fish oil supplements can help you get essential Omega-3 fatty acids.)
  8. Beets – Contain betalain, an antioxidant that has been shown to help repair cells damaged by chronic inflammation.
  9. Chia Seeds – These little powerhouses provide Omega-3 and natural fiber, helping you feel fuller longer while flushing unhealthy compounds from your body.
  10. Pineapple – Perfect for those with a sweet tooth, pineapple contains bromelain, a powerful enzyme with natural anti-inflammatory properties.

The Power of Intermittent Fasting and The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet®

Research has shown that creating a customized diet that includes these antioxidant-rich foods coupled with strategic fasting provides the most powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

Why is fasting so effective?

A study conducted by researchers at Yale University found that when you fast your body naturally produces a chemical called BHB. This compound interferes with inflammatory processes and prevents problems before they start.

Your gut biome (the bacteria in your digestive system) also plays a powerful role in combatting inflammation. These beneficial microorganisms work most effectively when “they have nothing else to focus on”—which means when you give them a break from the digestion process, they can help you automatically combat inflammation.

How to Incorporate Fasting Into Your Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® is the perfect solution for jumpstarting your anti-inflammatory lifestyle. This scientifically formulated juice cleanse:

  • Provides essential nutrients your body needs while giving your digestive system a complete break from processing solid foods
  • Helps flush inflammatory toxins from your system
  • Supports natural weight loss (up to several pounds in just 48 hours)
  • Reduces caloric intake without depriving your body of vital micronutrients
  • Activates your body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms

Using The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® is simple: mix one 4-ounce serving with 4 ounces of water and repeat 8 times over the course of 48 hours, along with drinking an additional 8 glasses of water daily. This brief fasting period gives your digestive system the reset it needs while providing all the nutritional support required to keep your energy levels stable.

For daily maintenance between cleanses, you can practice intermittent fasting by leaving 14 to 16 hours between your evening meal and breakfast—allowing the majority of your “fast” to occur during your sleep cycle. On days when you’re not using The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet®, incorporate the anti-inflammatory foods listed above into your meals.

For those who need convenient healthy options throughout their busy day, The Hollywood Cookie Diet® meal replacement cookies provide essential nutrients, fiber to combat hunger, and satisfy your sweet tooth without triggering inflammatory responses.

Combine The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® cleanse with healthy anti-inflammatory foods and intermittent fasting the rest of the week to give your body the comprehensive support it needs to combat harmful, chronic inflammation and start enjoying a healthier, more energetic life!