Are You Really Too Busy to Lose Weight?

One of the most common excuses for not starting a diet or exercise regimen is the perceived lack of time. Let’s debunk this myth and explore practical ways to incorporate a healthy weight-loss routine into even the busiest of schedules.

Excuses, Excuses

You may often find yourself claiming you’re “too busy” to diet or exercise, using it as a shield against making challenging lifestyle changes. Remember, procrastination only leads to increased stress and dissatisfaction.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.”Jim Rohn

Prioritize Your Health

Maybe you really do have too many things on your plate. When the calendar fills up, the last thing you want to think about in your limited free time is diet and exercise. Putting everyone else’s needs first is selfless, but not caring for yourself will catch up to you. Prioritize your well-being to ensure you’re there for your loved ones in the future.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”Jim Rohn

Effective Time Management

You may have the best intentions when planning your day, but if you never seem to get around to what you want (or need) to do, you could be suffering from poor time management.

Instead of just “going with the flow” from breakfast to bedtime, plan your day in advance and allocate specific times for meals and exercise. Be strict with yourself when it comes to meeting deadlines. This should help you free up time for exercise and experimenting with diets.

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.”Charles Richards

How To Lose Weight with a Busy Schedule

Substituting regular meals with lower-calorie options is an easy way to integrate a weight loss routine with your existing schedule. Skipping meals altogether is not a good idea unless you are fasting. However, if you can regularly substitute lower-calorie meals, you will automatically (and nearly effortlessly) reduce the amount of calories you eat by 1500 per day or more!

holiday cookie diet

The Hollywood Diet Meal Plan


The typical breakfast in America runs around 500 calories or more. Depending on your personal caloric requirements, that could be as much as one-quarter (25%) of your entire daily intake. You can cut that almost in half by opting out of those fast foods you grab on the way to work or the frozen “meals” you microwave at home and sticking with fresh fruits, low-fat dairy options, or the Hollywood Cookie Diet® meal replacement cookies, which make an excellent substitution for high-calorie breakfasts on the go.


Replace a typically heavy American lunch with a lighter Hollywood Cookie Diet® cookie and supplement it with fresh fruit or a handful of nuts if needed. If that is not enough, add a low-calorie tasty treat such as cottage cheese, boiled eggs, or a salad (with low-calorie dressing).


If you find yourself snacking more than you should between meals, keep some Hollywood Cookie Diet® meal replacement cookies in your desk or locker at work so you always have a lower-calorie option available at a moment’s notice. Dramatically cut calories by swapping out your diet-busting snacks throughout the day.


Typically, we use dinner as our time to “splurge” a bit. But you can continue to cut your total daily calories here, too, by opting for healthier substitutions like fresh fish, lean meats, or vegetable-based meat alternatives.  If you still want to “cheat” a little, eat what you want—just cut down the portion size.

But when should you eat dinner? Studies have shown that the optimal time to eat your evening meal is at least three hours before going to bed. This allows your body to properly metabolize the food you’ve consumed before you hit the hay. Also, by eating that early while foregoing or postponing breakfast, you can maintain that 12-hour-per-day fasting period that helps your body more effectively use the calories you consume.

TIP: The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® can be used to replace all of your meals—including dinner—up to two days per week. You can eat regularly on the remaining days and still cut your average weekly caloric intake by a substantial amount. Just pre-mix some of this great-tasting juice drink and take it with you wherever you go. By staying hydrated and keeping something in your stomach throughout the day, you’ll be less likely to “cheat.”

“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.”Maria Forleo

Meal Planning Solution

The Convenience of The Hollywood Diet®

The best thing about The Hollywood Diet® plan is that it takes no extra time out of your busy day. All you have to do is mix The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® with water, and you’re ready to go. OR, by having Hollywood Cookie Diet® meal replacements handy, you’ll actually save time in the kitchen.

Interested in other diet plans that suit your busy lifestyle? Visit our website for more weight loss solutions.

By approaching your diet with practicality and preparation, you can find the time to nurture your body and lose weight, even with the busiest of schedules.