Health is Wealth. Get Rich Now!

Take control of your wellness journey.
The healthier each of us is, the healthier we all are.

It is amazing to see so many people motivated to make changes in their lives and to focus on themselves in ways they have not before. This year, we’re thinking about new goals to work towards and new habits to implement that will help us be our best selves. And we’re starting with what lies at the core – our mental health.

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Your Personal Growth Report Card: Turn your D’s into A’s!

Personal Growth Report Card

Whether you set out to improve your health, try a new exercise plan or advance your career, each step along the way is an accomplishment (consider that an A on your personal growth report card). Reaching your goal is an ongoing journey, one with both triumphs and challenges. By understanding these three commonly encountered pitfalls, you will be more prepared and likely to succeed.

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How Happiness equals Healthiness

5 Ways Happiness is Healthiness

As doctors and researchers take a more holistic approach to wellness, they continue to uncover an ever-increasing amount of evidence showing direct (or sometimes indirect) links between happiness and healthiness. While people have suspected for years that mood can have either a positive or negative effect on a person’s physical health, there is actual scientific proof to back up those claims—some of it shocking.

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