Make Your Resolutions a Reality
We make a lot of promises to ourselves this time of year, but how can you make sure that your list of New Year’s resolutions doesn’t end up in the trash by February? Here are some simple tips to help you make the leap from intention to action.
1. One at a Time
Don’t try to change everything about your life all at once, or you might get overwhelmed and abandon your resolutions completely. Keep your list to a minimum. Try starting with just one resolution at a time, and slowing adding one more every two or three months. Experts say it takes 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and up to six months for the habit to become a part of your personality. So give yourself time to incorporate new changes that could seem difficult or foreign at first.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. Be Realistic
Make sure that your resolutions are attainable and not just wishes. Otherwise you could get discouraged and give up. If you are not an early riser, vowing to get up every day at 6 am and workout could be unrealistic for you. Find ways to make small, but achievable changes. Also avoid resolutions that include words like “never” and “always” which can set you up for failure.
“Success is steady progress toward one’s personal goals.” — Jim Rohn
3. Make the Right Statement
Make short, clearly defined resolutions. Instead of saying, “I will get in shape,” say “I will exercise for 20 minutes 4 days a week.” Part of your success lies in formulating the resolutions, so take time to think about your lifestyle and how you can make small adjustments. Using positive language to describe your goals can make a big difference in your attitude. Instead of “I have to give up dessert,” try “I get to try new vegetables.” Instead of “I should make it to the gym,” try “I want to get a good workout.”
“I promise to stop analyzing every angle and every curve and every pound and every meal. I’m going to keep staying the path because it is a journey and as long as I’m always working towards my goals, one day I’ll reach them.” — Carrie Underwood
4. Tell Others
Get family and friends involved in your plans to get healthy. Publicly declare your intentions on social media. The more support you enlist from your community, the more motivation you’ll have to stick to your resolutions.
“I’ve seen the highest success rates with husbands and wives who try fasting together: the mutual support is a big help and makes fasting far easier.” — Jason Fung
Fasting diets are tremendously effective and have been scientifically proven to help people shed pounds and reset their body chemistry. Our original product offering was the Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet®, a two-day juice fast. We created this product more than two decades ago, long before juice cleansing became the rage. The Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet® continues to help people in more than 60 countries and it can help you!
5. Plan Ahead
Think of your resolution as the end of a flow chart. Now fill in the steps. Take some time to really think about how you can make your goals a reality. Schedule workouts and plan healthy menus. A great way to set yourself up for success is having easy, healthy food options available. Stock up on nutritious snacks like the Hollywood Cookie Diet®. With healthy snacks on hand, you’ll be less likely to pick junk food or overeat at meals. And don’t underestimate how motivating a little success is. That is the “Miracle” in the Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet!
“In two weeks, you’ll feel it. In four weeks, you’ll see it. In eight weeks, you’ll hear it.”