how to stick to your diet

The 3 Most Important Secrets to Sticking to Your Diet

Dieting isn’t easy. In fact, the very concept of “dieting” is inherently flawed, implying it’s something short-term. Classifying a diet as temporary actually makes it harder to maintain healthy actions long enough to see results.

Instead, dieting should be a constant flow towards healthier eating habits. That mental shift turns something you’re forcing yourself to do into something that you do automatically. The change is subtle but the psychological impact is stunning.

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Trust your gut

Trust Your Gut

How Gut Health Impacts Our Mood and Everyday Life

There has been a tremendous amount of new research concerning how our gut communicates with our minds and vice-versa. The science from that research suggests that our gut health has a much more far-reaching impact on our lives than we thought.

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What is a healthy lifestyle?

3 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Less Than 3% of Americans Live a Healthy Lifestyle

If you ask most Americans if they live a healthy lifestyle, they’ll answer “yes.” But the data says different.

Nearly 36% of Americans are obese.
Nearly double that are overweight.
Even 1/3 of our children are obese.

So can most of us truthfully say we’re healthy?

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7 ways to be more active

Embrace an Active Life and Watch the Weight Melt Away!

Stepping into a more active lifestyle is your golden ticket to shedding those extra pounds. While tweaking your diet is essential, the simple science of exercise—burning more calories than you consume—promises real results. The usual culprits that keep us from lacing up our sneakers are the ever-present time crunch and a lack of drive. Yet, imagine transforming these hurdles into stepping stones by weaving fun, engaging activities into the fabric of your everyday life. The best part? You can do this without ever setting foot in a gym!

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6 summer slim down tips

Get Set for Summer

Ah summer: warm weather, long days, and outdoor fun. But if shorts and tank tops have you feeling nervous about the approaching months because of your weight, now is the time to do something about that. Start this summer with renewed confidence and these six smart strategies to shed pounds.

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transform your eating habits

Transform Your Eating Habits with The Hollywood Diet®

Embracing a healthier relationship with food is not just about choosing the right things to eat; it’s about setting the foundation for lifelong wellness and happiness. Our lives are full of events that define us, and food is often at the center of these moments—celebrations, consolations, and the daily rhythms in between. Each bite can either support our journey to wellness or set us back.

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Make Your Resolutions a Reality

We make a lot of promises to ourselves this time of year, but how can you make sure that your list of New Year’s resolutions doesn’t end up in the trash by February? Here are some simple tips to help you make the leap from intention to action.

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planning tips to help you lose weight

Your 5 Step Weight Loss Plan

Diets fail because we often start with good intentions but no concrete plan. This year, make a plan, not a promise. Establish a few goals to get started, be flexible, and watch yourself progress. In this article, we’ll help you formulate a realistic plan and give you tips to stay on track every step of your weight loss journey.

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Change Your Lifestyle

Truly changing your lifestyle is more than just eating healthy foods and working out. To make a change that sticks, you have to change the way you think. It turns out, your brain may be the most important body part when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off for good.

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