Walking Burns Fat

Add a Few More Steps to Your Day and Burn That Unwanted Fat Away

How often have you heard that dieting alone isn’t enough for weight loss? The best way to lose weight is by combining a calorie-restrictive diet with moderate amounts of exercise. It makes sense—if you eat less and burn more calories, you will lose weight.

But the term “exercise” scares a lot of people away, and that fear eats at their willpower. Thankfully, a current study shows that you don’t have to hit the gym five days a week for extra health benefits. In fact, something as simple as walking a little more every day (say three hours per week, which is less than 30 minutes per day) can have a dramatic effect on your health!

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Link between losing weight and longer life

Lose Weight Now for Long Term Health

Scientists Find Long-Term Cardiovascular Benefits of Even Moderate Weight Loss 

Make positive lifestyle changes today and literally change your life forever. That’s not just motivational speak. Science shows that key cardiovascular health indicators are dramatically improved after losing weight.

What can that mean for you?

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Tips to Succeed Losing Weight

4 Steps to Mental Wellness

Why do so many people who have dieted in the past gain what they lost back (plus some)? Because diets don’t address the real reasons we are overweight. In order to enjoy long-term success, a new healthy lifestyle, and a better future you have to overcome those mental roadblocks as well as the physical ones. But it’s not enough to have a goal in mind. You have to constantly check yourself to ensure you’re not undermining your own success.

Specifically, you have to stop letting your past haunt you.

That can seem like an insurmountable obstacle. Our past is, by definition, what defines us. So how can we overcome it?

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What is a healthy lifestyle?

3 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Less Than 3% of Americans Live a Healthy Lifestyle

If you ask most Americans if they live a healthy lifestyle, they’ll answer “yes.” But the data says different.

Nearly 36% of Americans are obese.
Nearly double that are overweight.
Even 1/3 of our children are obese.

So can most of us truthfully say we’re healthy?

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Water: Your Secret Weight Loss Tool

You hear it time and time again: drink more water.

Staying sufficiently hydrated is a wonderful way to feel your best and helps your body work at the peak of personal performance. It alleviates headaches and muscle cramps, facilitates proper digestion, and can help essential organs, like your kidneys, function smoothly. But did you know drinking water can help you lose weight? In fact, water may just be your secret weight loss tool.

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Lose Weight on the Run

How to Lose Weight on the Run

Everybody is looking for an easy way to lose weight on the run. We have to. Our lives have become much more active than ever before. Work, kids, hobbies, and the dreaded commute take up most of our day, adding stress and limiting the amount of time we can spend on ourselves—both of which are bad for our waistlines.

Here are 4 tips that can help you lose weight on the run no matter how busy your life is.

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Is Exercise Making You Fat?

Most people start an exercise program with the hopes of losing weight. But if you are working out, and there’s no movement on the scale, you could be making one of these mistakes.

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best breakfast for weight loss

Eat Breakfast to Lose Weight and Avoid Energy Crashes

Breakfast is often referred to as “the most important meal of the day,” especially if you’re looking to lose weight and maintain steady energy levels. Studies correlate that those who eat breakfast eat fewer calories throughout the day. What’s the best breakfast to eat? Aim to consume protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber. The right combination of nutrients can help you feel full longer, curb cravings, and keep you from crashing mid-morning. Here are some guidelines, our favorite healthy breakfasts, and some suggestions on how to grab a good breakfast even on your busiest mornings.

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fasting diets

Is When You Eat Just as Important as What You Eat?

Fasting Diet Plans That Work!

Recent scientific research and real-world evidence suggest that when you eat may have a substantial impact on your metabolism, weight, and overall health. In fact, meal timing can be just as important as what you eat—not only for weight loss but also for predicting risks of future disease and disability. Of course, managing your calories still matters if you want to shed those extra pounds. The most effective fasting diet plans combine these two approaches: attention to when you eat and how many calories you consume overall.

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what is intermittent fasting

Eating While Fasting? Why Intermittent Fasting is the Instant Fat Destroyer!

Intermittent Fasting is not a new concept. Many cultures around the world have been fasting to demonstrate piety during holy days for centuries. However, fasting as a form of weight loss has often been saddled with a bad reputation. Many opponents say (often without scientific basis) that fasting is bad for you, that it depletes the body of necessary nutrients, and that it can destroy muscle mass in as little as 12 hours.

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