Health is Wealth. Get Rich Now!

Take control of your wellness journey.
The healthier each of us is, the healthier we all are.

It is amazing to see so many people motivated to make changes in their lives and to focus on themselves in ways they have not before. This year, we’re thinking about new goals to work towards and new habits to implement that will help us be our best selves. And we’re starting with what lies at the core – our mental health.

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holiday weight loss plan

Lose 15 Pounds in 4 Weeks: Your Ultimate Holiday Weight Loss Plan

The holidays always seem to be right around the corner. Often that means we are either trying to slim down for the annual gatherings with family and friends or shed excess pounds we’ve put on through indulging in once-a-year treats. But, with a little willpower, a few good recipes, and a plan you can jump-start and maintain weight loss before, during, and especially after the holiday season.

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Tricks for Treats

The month of October can be dangerous for dieters, as candy and chocolate seem to appear everywhere. Here are our tried and trusted tips for staying on track through Halloween.

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6 summer slim down tips

Get Set for Summer

Ah summer: warm weather, long days, and outdoor fun. But if shorts and tank tops have you feeling nervous about the approaching months because of your weight, now is the time to do something about that. Start this summer with renewed confidence and these six smart strategies to shed pounds.

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Make Your Resolutions a Reality

We make a lot of promises to ourselves this time of year, but how can you make sure that your list of New Year’s resolutions doesn’t end up in the trash by February? Here are some simple tips to help you make the leap from intention to action.

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Hollywood Diet Thanksgiving Dieting Tips

A Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving

A lot of dieters dread Thanksgiving, thinking they only have two choices:

1) join in the festivities and pay the price with an expanding waistline or
2) stick to a diet and be miserable while everyone else chows down

Since Thanksgiving is centered around a lavish dinner, where traditionally we give thanks by eating as much as we can, it can be a dieter’s nightmare. Below are five tips to keep you both slim and sane.

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Thanksgiving Dinner Do’s and Don’ts

After Halloween, Thanksgiving is the next big diet buster holiday. You may be dreading the thought of overindulging or missing out of the fun. Here’s some tips to make sure you enjoy your Thanksgiving celebration.

DO! Even though, as the saying goes, you can’t out-train a bad diet, it’s still a great idea to get a pre-Thanksgiving workout. Not only will it mitigate the caloric impact, but you’ll feel stronger and will be more likely to make healthy choices.

DON’T! Don’t skip breakfast or lunch, trying to save all your calories for the big dinner. You’ll end up starving and could eat more than you might have all day.

DO! Focus on family, togetherness, gratefulness and all the other intangible aspects of the holiday, instead of just making it all about the food.

DON’T! Don’t load up on the simple carbs and sugary food. Worst offenders? Stuffing, bread and butter, canned cranberry sauce, anything with “casserole” in the name, and pecan pie.

DO! Enjoy lean turkey, vegetables, roasted potato, salad, and perhaps a little sliver of pumpkin pie. We want you to enjoy your dinner without overdoing it. If you’re the cook, you have even more opportunity to make the dinner more healthful for your family by limiting sugar, oil and butter in the preparation.

DON’T! Don’t reach for the alcohol. It will add calories and stimulate your appetite, as well as impairing your judgment on whether second helpings are a good idea (they’re not).

DO! Eat slowly, and savor every bite. Instead of rushing through your dinner to get to the next full plate of food before you feel too stuffed, just reward yourself by relishing every bite of your holiday favorites.

DON’T! Don’t feel as though indulging at Thanksgiving has ruined your diet and you might as well give up until January. Be realistic. This is a time of year when there will be a lot of temptation, so try to adopt a 80/20 mindset. Keep up your healthy diet at least 80% of the time, and allow some room for indulgences.

DO! Get back on track as soon as possible. Take a walk after dinner or start the next day off with a nutritious breakfast and a workout.

How to avoid gaining weight over the holidays

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain With Cookies

Tell your friends you’re going on a cookie diet during the holidays, and they’ll say, “Join the club.” But with the right cookie diet, you can actually lose weight during the holidays. While cookies aren’t something you’d necessarily classify as diet food, the tasty and nutritious Hollywood Cookie Diet® meal replacements can help you keep those holiday pounds from packing on. And there’s scientific evidence to back up those claims!

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Healthy Holiday Faves + Winter Workout Tips

Enjoy Holiday Favorites the Heathy Way

1. Cocoa

Raw cocoa has a lot of health benefits. It has a high concentration of antioxidants, which can do everything from help prevent cancer and heart disease, to fight aging in general. The polyphenols and flavanols in cocoa have potential health benefits for the skin, the brain, and cardiovascular system.

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