Are you more interested in a healthy living diet than simply losing weight? If so, you’re not alone. More and more people are making personal health a priority and tossing traditional dieting tactics to the curb.
Take control of your wellness journey.
The healthier each of us is, the healthier we all are.
It is amazing to see so many people motivated to make changes in their lives and to focus on themselves in ways they have not before. This year we’re thinking about new goals to work towards and new habits to implement that will help us be our best selves. And we’re starting with what lies at the core – our mental health.
Have you put on weight recently? You’re not alone. Stress and holidays can sap our mental strength and willpower and cause us to seek comfort in food. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, when you follow the simple plan outlined below, you can easily get your body back on track, take control of your cravings, and—as an added bonus—feel less stressed!
If you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have adopted High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts at home because of their ability to deliver weight loss results quickly, you’ve probably noticed a few other changes too: achy joints, stiffness, pain or strained muscles. While HIIT workouts are great for burning calories and helping you shed pounds quickly, new research suggests that the side effects of such workouts can be detrimental in the long run.
Hygge (pronounced “hue-guh”), is an all-encompassing lifestyle developed in Scandinavia that has become extremely popular in the last few years. The lifestyle (as you’d expect from a Scandinavian product) is all about simplicity, comfort, and contentment. From the frosty countries that embrace a world-famous minimalistic style in everything from architecture to diet, Hygge helps individuals take pleasure and contentment from the run-of-the-mill “small things” we all experience every day.
You hear the word “inflammation” and you might think of a sprained ankle or swollen feet after a hard day’s work, but inflammation is much more common (and more harmful) than that. Any of the soft tissues in your body can become inflamed and you may not even know it. This type of inflammation has been linked to depression, weight gain, skin conditions, the speed with which Alzheimer’s progresses, and even heart disease. Scientists are even studying the effects of inflammation related to COVID-19 infections.
“Health is wealth.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Are you trying to lose those 10 pounds you’ve put on over the last few months? Have you cut out sweets but not seen any results? Would you like to eat to support your health but don’t know where to start?
Is carb cycling just another dieting fad or is there real science to back up the claim that carb cycling can help you burn fat?
What is Carb Cycling?
For years, dieters have been hammered by the notion that carbohydrates are “bad” if you’re trying to lose weight. That, it turns out, is not entirely true. No nutritional group is essentially “bad (or essentially “good”).
Dieting isn’t easy. In fact, the very concept of “dieting” is inherently flawed, implying it’s something short-term. Classifying a diet as temporary actually makes it harder to maintain healthy actions long enough to see results.
Instead, dieting should be a constant flow towards healthier eating habits. That mental shift turns something you’re forcing yourself to do into something that you do automatically. The change is subtle but the psychological impact is stunning.
The holidays always seem to be right around the corner. Often that means we are either trying to slim down for the annual gatherings with family and friends or shed excess pounds we’ve put on through indulging in once-a-year treats. But, with a little willpower, a few good recipes, and a plan you can jump-start and maintain weight loss before, during, and especially after the holiday season.
“Avoid eating in the afternoon and evenings” has been a tenant of major diet plans and a key piece of advice from experts in the weight loss field for decades. But new research has confirmed that controlling when you eat can also slow the signs of aging.
Whether you set out to improve your health, try a new exercise plan or advance your career, each step along the way is an accomplishment (consider that an A on your personal growth report card). Reaching your goal is an ongoing journey, one with both triumphs and challenges. By understanding these three commonly encountered pitfalls, you will be more prepared and likely to succeed.
Your body is bombarded with toxins every minute of every day. These harmful chemical compounds are in the air we breathe, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, and the water we drink. When toxins build up over time they can dramatically slow or alter the natural processes inside your body—so much so that you can’t function as you were designed to.
The Hollywood Diet® is a collection of scientifically-formulated products designed to help you lose weight without starving your body of the necessary nutrition it needs to survive and thrive.
You’ve no doubt heard about juice cleanses before. Simply drink juice and lose weight! It’s an alluring option for folks who have struggled with traditional diets and want to drop pounds quickly. But if you’ve never done a juice cleanse you likely have questions: are they healthy? Can I eat anything while I’m juicing? What types of juice should I drink? Do I have to juice my own fruits and veggies? What is the best juice cleanse?
Occasional fasting diets have become extremely popular in recent years. They deliver amazing weight loss results quickly and have a host of incredible health benefits associated with them. Many people believe that occasional fasting can train your body to use nutrients more efficiently, help avoid Type 2 diabetes, decrease the risk of heart disease and more.
Most would agree the goal of any diet is to reshape your life and that a diet is just a tool to help you reach those goals you’ve been dreaming about:
While the Hollywood 24-Hour and 48-Hour Miracle Diet® products have helped thousands of individuals lose weight, feel better, and live healthier lives, any lifestyle change can be difficult. It’s a major psychological shift that takes effort to maintain. By preparing yourself for the challenge and being ready and able to overcome the obstacles that will inevitably pop up, you will be able to make the most of the Hollywood Diet® and be better for it.
A lot of people are skeptical of the Hollywood 48 Hour and 24 Hour Diet®, and they should be. After all, losing weight by just drinking a nutritious beverage for 24 or 48 hours seems far too simple to actually work. Though there are multiple scientific studies that show the Hollywood 48 Hour and 24 Hour Diet®‘s are safe and effective weight loss tools, and though we know they work, we understand why some people are dubious.
When you use a fasting diet such as that recommended by The Hollywood 24 or 48 Hour Miracle Diets®, you’re consuming fewer calories over a prolonged period. This will automatically result in weight loss, but the effect on your body chemistry will help jump start fat burning! By giving your pancreas a rest, you’ll boost the effectiveness of existing insulin which means you’ll produce less, it will work better, and you won’t have excess levels of it floating around in your bloodstream.